St. Timothy Lutheran Church Hudson, IA
Lions Club Can and Bottle Drive
Twice a year we host the Lions Club as they sort and bag redeemable bottles and cans as a fundraiser for community projects.
Fall Collection will be October 19, 2024. Come to the St. Timothy parking lot from 9-12 to help collect, sort, and bag the cans and bottles.
New Aldaya
Sundays in September and October 2024
Help with getting people in wheelchairs to and from Sunday worship
Arrive at 10am in the hallway near the chapel, receive instructions, bring people to worship,
stay through the service to assist people, then help them back to their rooms
sign-up sheet on bulletin board or call the office to be added to the list
Worship is the work of the people and we can always use a few more who are interested in participating as readers, ushers, musicians, projectionists, videographers, and communion assistants.
Each Sunday after worship, the community gathers for coffee, treats, and conversation.
Our fellowship hosts make the coffee, provide treats, and serve as people come through the line.
Treats can be homemade or purchased, sweet or savory. Sign up on the bulletin board in the entry if you are interested in hosting a week.
Boards and Committees
St. Timothy’s boards and committees include: Worship board, Outreach & Stewardship, Education, Youth & Family, Preschool & Childcare, Trustees (property), Nominating Committee, Tech Team, and Personnel. If you would like to volunteer to serve on one of these committees, please speak with the pastor or any member of the congregation council.