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As I start this column, our family is getting ready for one of life's big transitions: a child moving into her own place. Ariana has accepted an offer with an agency out of Des Moines to be a social worker for a hospice program and will be relocating to Ankeny; her territory is Story County.

Bob and I are thrilled at the opportunity before our daughter. Our parenting philosophy has been "We're raising her to launch her." So, by the end of the first week in July, she'll be in her own place. And part of our hearts will be there with her. But we're also excited to see what God has in store for her!

Transitions are part of life. They're part of our life as parents, as people, as churches and more.

Church Leadership Transitions

We will have some leadership transitions at St. Timothy: Dennis McNeal is stepping down as treasurer due to professional and personal considerations and the fact that the time demands of the job asked more of a volunteer than Dennis was able to give.

Dennis has moved the congregation forward in being able to have open conversations about money because, as he rightly asserts, "The money is God's from the get-go." I'm grateful for his perspective.

Lola Kapaun will shift from the president's chair into the treasurer's chair, and she will use a software that's much more user-friendly. I'm grateful for her versatility.

Suzzie Young had to step aside as financial secretary when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer; Yale Kramer graciously filled that position on an interim basis. Dianne Schneider will become the next financial secretary, and Yale will serve as back-up and resource. I'm grateful for the teamwork of these two.

With Lola as treasurer instead of president, Kathy Holst, the current vice president, will move into the president's chair. I'm grateful for her willingness to move into a new position quite unexpectedly.

Chris Rueber will stay on as secretary. I'm grateful for his good humor. The process of finding a new vice president began at the Executive meeting on July 2nd. I'm grateful for those willing to serve.

Susan Entriken, Youth and Family Minister, was granted a 2 month leave of absence for rest and renewal. I'm grateful for Susan and ask that you pray for her and her family.

As God's people, we're always in transition. I ask that you pray for your leaders and this congregation as we go through these transitions together and as we seek to better serve God, others and our communities.

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